Acupressure is a Chinese traditional therapy that uses pressure points in the body to treat a variety of conditions. It is similar to acupuncture, but does not involve the insertion of fine, sterilised needles. It can treat most ailments and takes an holistic approach to patients’ lifestyle, choosing points accordingly during diagnosis.
It is particularly effective for:
- Stress related problems
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Pain relief
- Fatigue and low energy
- Hormonal problems
- Digestive disorders
- Arthritis
- Skin problems and allergies
- Migraines, headaches and nausea
- Sports injuries
- Joint problems
- General health and well being
Session Length
Approximately 45 minutes. Suitable for children – no need to undress.
Some treatments vary in duration, according to the child’s age and first appointments may be longer in some cases. Please ask at reception for further details.
All treatments include a consultation and allow for time spent changing for treatment.