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20th anniversary


TDF factsheets

The Disability Foundation have produced downloadable fact sheets which introduce the different options and opportunities for disabled people. These are in Acrobat PDF format and will open in a new window (close the window to return to this page).

  • Motoring factsheet – some of the ways a disabled person can get a car, how they ensure that it is the best suited car for them, and what rights the disabled driver has including the blue badge scheme.
  • Travel factsheet – advice and an overview of the options to make travelling as easy as possible for disabled people and their carers.

London Dial-a-Ride

Transport for London’s website with information on Dial-a-Ride: The alternative to public transport for people with mobility problems.

TFL’s Travel Mentoring Service

The Travel Mentoring Scheme helps disabled Londoners to feel more confident about travelling on London transport. Mentors can accompany you on up to 10 journeys, on the Underground, trams, trains, DLR and also the Riverboat service.

London Taxi Card Scheme

The scheme for subsidised taxi fares for disabled people

Freedom Pass

Free public transport in London for elderly and/or disabled people.


Organisations that provide mobility solutions for disabled people. Runs several schemes to hire or purchase cars.

Disabled Drivers Association

Information and campaigns for disabled drivers

National Association of Blue Badge Holders

Information on the Blue Badge scheme.


The scheme that provides mobility solutions such as scooters and wheelchairs in city centres.

©The Disability Foundation 2024