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20th anniversary




General Comments

All massage therapies increase blood circulation, send nutrients and oxygen to the body, carry toxins away, trigger the release of natural painkillers, and aid relaxation therefore directly affecting the body’s systems that govern heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and digestion. Massage also strengthens and tones the body, re-activates nerves and lubricates joints. All massage treatments involve stroking and kneading in some form. There are physical results of pressing, squeezing and moving soft tissues during massage. Tense muscles can cause sluggish circulation because they force the body’s blood vessels to constrict. Massaging the muscles relaxes them and stimulates circulation so that blood flows freely, carrying oxygen and nutrients to where they are needed. By working on the circulation, regular massage can help normalise blood pressure (easing pressure on over burdened arteries and veins) and stimulate the lymphatic system by carrying waste products out of the body, thus helping to defend the body against infection.

What happens during a consultation and treatment?

During initial consultation you will be asked about your medical history, lifestyle and general state of health including current medication. You may need to undress, as the therapist will use their hands to massage your body.

When is it not safe to have a massage?

Those undergoing medical treatment should seek the advice of their GP before commencing or TDF can do this on your behalf. Please speak to a member of staff if you currently have/have a history of:

  • Varicose veins
  • Thrombosis
  • High temperature, inflammation or transmissible infection
  • Infective skin condition
  • Acute inflammatory arthritis
  • Strokes
  • Cancer (active or in remission)
  • High blood pressure

In addition, massage is not advisable on the same day as donating blood or having an inoculation or vaccines.

What can massage treat/why choose massage?
  • Stress related disorders such as high blood pressure and insomnia
  • Aches and pains caused by muscular tension, disability or chronic medical condition
  • Specific back, neck and shoulder pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Depression
  • Arthritis
  • Eating problems
  • Bloating, back pain and conditions associated with pregnancy
  • Deficient immune functions
  • Sports injuries
AFTER CARE for Massage and Other Complementary Therapies

Any holistic therapy may occasionally result in a clearing or detoxification process that might be slightly uncomfortable. This may cause a few temporary symptoms such as headaches, increased urine flow, slight aches and stiffness. Whilst massage relaxes and soothes, it also stimulates the flow of blood and lymph. Increased blood flow means more oxygen/nutrients getting around the body. It also means that toxins and waste are now flowing. It is important to listen to your own needs after a treatment. You may need to rest or take it easy. If you feel stiff or sore, have a hot bath or try a hot water bottle. Be sure to drink plenty of water.


©The Disability Foundation 2024